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NIVEA is a brand that is present in the homes of millions of people in Poland and in the world. They cares about the skin of consumers and their loved ones. Do not forget about the highest quality and care at the same time. Behind the brand’s success stands a passionate team of employees around the world.

The purpose of cooperation with the NIVEA brand was to create a distinctive line of communication and visual identity for two development programs: Blue Your Mind and Blue Horizons. The offer of internships and apprenticeships, addressed to university students and graduates, stood out in the labor market, including the possibility of winning a place at an international internship. However, it lacked an attractive and attracting form of promotion.

In the implementation activities we focused on cooperation with graphic artists and graphic designers who were also added to the profile of the target group. We wanted to reflect the current trends and match the message to the expectations of young people as faithfully as possible. The effect of the works are the layouts of advertisements, posts for communication in social media and promotion of internet banners.

We will wait for the moment to wait for the effect, because the campaign is just starting. Surely we will share its effects with you soon!