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Capgemini is one of the leading global companies offering consulting services, IT technologies and outsourcing. The company as an employer is characterized by a variety of employment areas and available roles. Recruits a diverse profile of students, graduates and experienced professionals in Krakow, Katowice, Wrocław and Warsaw.

Building a consistent employer branding strategy. Three different business units with different target groups are a real challenge for building a consistent employer branding communication.

Over 80% of employees participated in a survey independent of the internal survey engagement. We have deepened the opinions we collected in the form of workshops with representatives of each business unit. The results were confronted with an external analysis – the evaluation of communication of competing brands, content on the Internet and examination of candidates.

The effect of the project was the strategy of repositioning the employer’s brand image on the Polish market – an action plan and a new coherent communication line for the employer brand Upgrade Your Career. A cross-media campaign based on the created campaign website in four Polish cities, the first appearance of the employer’s brand in spontaneous rankings of employer brands.