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Employer branding strategy is a living thing. It should be regularly updated and adjusted to changing market and target groups’ needs. Our Client – Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego understood it very well, especially as the organization itself was in the middle of innovative development of its business operations and strategy.

The goal of the project was to audit current employer branding tools, processes, and activities in order to develop brand new approach, employer branding goals, Employment Value Proposition, Personas and strategic recommendations for attracting and keeping talents in our new business environment.

We kicked off the project with defining our main challenges and project goals including for instance building better brand awareness based on stability, eminent expertise, great teams, higher sense of purpose and attractive development opportunities for IT talents, experienced professionals from finance and banking sector, and students from all around the country.

After analysing substantial set of internal data and conducting EBnavi brand audit, we then established further research process and run numerous focus group workshops with key target groups, individual in-depth interviews with both employees and higher project stakeholders to establish comprehensive Personas’ profiles, brand offer, including its EVP and Archetype and general brand strengths and weaknesses. We also included benchmarking analysis of key competitors mapped during the first research stage, so that we can get the full picture of brand environment: internal and external. We also leveraged research panel and our dedicated custom survey to gather data about brand perception and market needs from all around the country within our key target groups.

We were able to leverage online tools to conduct the whole process offline, which allowed us to optimise time, costs and increase effectiveness of used resources.

After we gathered all the necessary information about tools, processes, brand perception, target groups needs and market benchmarks, we were ready to compose comprehensive report including all necessary elements of a great employer branding strategy.

We then presented the report to Client’s project team and gathered feedback on our work. After finalizing the document, so that it was fully customised to BGK’s needs, we set the strategic direction for employer brand development. Alongside our Client we created the base for successful operational plan for implementing new EVP pillars into the brand identity.

See examples of great employer brand activities on official brand communication channels!