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Bank Millennium is a universal bank that has branches throughout Poland. His business mission assumes providing universal, modern services and financial products to all customer segments and generating value growth for its shareholders. The Bank offers its services through a network of branches, online banking, telephone and mobile services to individual clients (in the retail segment, Prestige and Private Banking), people conducting business and micro-business as well as small, medium and large companies within the Corporate Banking segment.

Bank Millennium is a universal bank that has branches throughout Poland. His business mission assumes providing all employees’ segments and creating growth for its shareholders. The Bank offers a wide range of services in the retail, Prestige and Private Banking sector. People in business and micro-businesses the Corporate Banking segment.

  • linia kreatywna „Rozwijaj zdolności w świecie bankowości”
  • landing Page wydarzenia, zgodna z linią kreatywną
  • szeroka promocja wydarzenia na uczelniach, w mediach i społecznościach studenckich
  • aplikacja umożliwiająca przetestowanie posiadanych zdolności, dopasowująca profil studenta do jednego z czterech oferowanych w trakcie wydarzenia warsztatów
  • wsparcie komunikacji wydarzenia przez Radosława Kotarskiego, twórcę i prowadzącego program internetowy Polimaty

Over 2,000 page views and over 2,000 unique users. 900 users of the application and about 100 participants of the event.

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